Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Wordless Cornwall

... because the pictures say it all.


  1. Oh how lovely, just so makes me want to see the sea this year.

    Looks quite green in the countryside too. We are so parched, apparently we had 0.4 inches of rain in July, well Kew Gardens did and that is about 4 - 5 miles away. We are keeping our garden going by saving bath water and every drop we can.

    Thank you for your interesting blogs, I enjoy reading them so much.

    Madeleine aka PixieMum

  2. Ohhhhh, thank you for the brief pause. I've got a craving for sea, sand, shore walking and ice creams.

    Somehow makes the accounts, to do lists and meetings a bit more bearable but I might have to come back and look again. What castle is that?
