Monday, August 02, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 2nd August

Outside My Window ... a cloudy morning. The forecast says sunny intervals, but I haven't seen any yet.

I am thinking ... about my to-do list. I thought of things I needed to add to it last night, but now I can't remember what they were!

From the learning rooms ... summer holidays at last.

I am thankful ... for family holidays and the memories they create.

From the kitchen ... spaghetti bolognese tonight.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas and a blue dressing gown as I was feeling a bit cold this morning.

I am creating ... skew socks. I made the first one while we were away and I'm a couple of inches into the second. This pattern is so clever!

I am going ... to take the car to the garage. An emissions warning light came on yesterday. Exhaust? Catalytic converter?

I am reading ... Ptolemy's Gate by Jonathan Stroud. Third in the Bartimaeus trilogy that I started when we were on holiday last year. Read the second while we were in Cornwall, then had to wait until we got home to pick up the final book.

I am hoping ... to collect two guinea pigs from playgroup today. We put our names down to look after the guinea pigs for two weeks, but I completely forgot to find out what that entails and how we get them (or, more specifically, their hutch) here.

I am hearing ... the washing machine spinning and Cherub rootling around in her toys.

Around the house ... could be worse. Pretty yellow flowers that my Mum gave us. Laundry mountain shrinking fast. Cases unpacked and put away.

One of my favorite things ... squishy feather pillows. Missed them while we were away!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Today - take the car to the garage, and collect guinea pigs; Tomorrow - first day of work experience at the record office; Wednesday - check up at asthma clinic, hoping to go to the Pick-Your-Own farm; Friday - orthodontist's appointment for Angel; Saturday - shopping trip with Angel; Sunday - meeting up with Tevye's sister and her family for a bbq.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Cherub is getting so big.... :sigh: Do you remember when Angel, Star and Princess were that age?
