Monday, June 14, 2010

Outside My Window ... so far this morning blue skies with a little fluffy white cloud, threatening dark grey clouds, and back to sun peeking through hazy light grey. Just checked the BBC 24 hour weather forecast: light rain, sunny intervals, light rain shower, white cloud, and partly cloudy, all in quick succession. That's British weather for you.

I am thinking ... I must remember to phone the orthodontist. One of the plates on Rachel's braces came off her tooth.

From the learning rooms ... three GCSE exams for Angel this week, and another taster session at school for Cherub.

I am thankful ... it stayed dry yesterday afternoon and Cherub was able to have the bouncy castle birthday party we had planned. Seven little kids and four big kids (not to mention a couple of adults!) had a lot of fun bouncing.

From the kitchen ... something based on minced beef, but I'm not sure what yet.

I am wearing ... jeans, top with purple and blue flowers on a black background, navy cardigan, black socks.

I am creating ... still slowly knitting Cherub's cardigan. The back and one sleeve are done and I have started one of the front pieces.

I am going ... to get back into my groove this week. I floundered through last week thanks to a combination of no playgroup on Monday, Cherub's birthday, and a summer cold.

I am reading ... about to start a history of underground London. Looks interesting.

I am hoping ... England do better in their next two group matches. The theme of yesterday's Mass was forgiveness; Father John suggested we could start by forgiving the England goalkeeper.

I am hearing ... music from a World Cup themed playlist I set up on iTunes.

Around the house ... birthday party debris - balloons, a birthday banner, leftovers.

One of my favorite things ... four year old girls :)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a meal with the other First Communion catechists on Tuesday; schedule clash on Wednesday between dance classes and band practice (it usually works out OK, but this week Tevye has to go to London for the evening); extra dance class for Star on Friday; First Communion Mass on Saturday; playing at the bandstand in the town centre park on Sunday afternoon.
A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... 
Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Which underground London history are you reading? Always a fascination of mine!
