Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Birthday Party

This year Cherub badly wanted to have a "real" birthday party. She wanted a fairy theme ... 

Birthday Fairy

... and a bouncy castle (inflatable) in the garden. This is always a bit risky with British weather, but we took the gamble and it paid off. Not a spot of rain all afternoon, then it poured down in the evening after everyone had gone home.

Bouncy Castle

At this age it makes for a very easy party that the children love - this time seven little people and four big girls (Angel and Star and their friends) all had fun bouncing. So did a couple of adults, but mercifully nobody took pictures!

Bouncing Girls

Wasn't she a cute bouncing fairy? (Easier with no wings!)

Bouncing 2

Sliding was good too, and so was playing in the swingboat, which you can just see at the edge of the picture (I forgot to take a proper photo).

Down the Slide

Star and her friend L appointed themselves official party organisers and did a great job, preparing all the food, baking gorgeous pink decorated fairy cakes, organising games and generally looking after the little ones.

Tea Time 4

Cherub wanted the same chocolate caterpillar cake as last year (bought, not made!).

Caterpillar Cake


  1. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Cute! Looks like a lovely day was had by all.

  2. What a perfect party! And what fun for Mom to have such great party organizers!

    But isn't Cherub still a baby???

  3. Good times was had by all. The setting looks nice. Few things can beat the concept of fairies, magical.
