Monday, May 17, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 17th May

Outside My Window ... cloudy but bright, with the promise of a warm and sunny week. 

I am thinking ... about politics. The aftermath of the election has left me trying to get my thoughts in order about the various political parties and what unites and / or separates them.

From the learning rooms ... Angel has her first GCSE exam tomorrow (Religious Studies, Philosophy). She has a handful this year, then the main set of exams next year.

I am thankful ... that Cherub has now had chicken pox! After being poorly for a couple of days at the beginning of last week, she came out in spots on Tuesday. Fortunately she has had it quite mildly, and apart from a couple of uncomfortable (and sleep deprived!) nights she has been her normal perky self.

From the kitchen ... I think maybe chilli and rice.

I am wearing ... black linen trousers, purple t-shirt. I'm in a purple phase at the moment.

I am creating ... almost finished my brother's Christmas socks (last Christmas, that is!), and planning to move on to a pink cardigan for Cherub next.

I am going ... to get back on track with my to-do list this week, after everything went out of routine and pear-shaped last week.

I am reading ... The Twenty-Two Letters by Clive King, but not getting very far. I picked up three books at a used book stall on Saturday - two historical biography, one a history of underground London - and I'm planning to start on one of those today.

I am hoping ... I can work out what I did wrong when I tried to change the filter on the fridge. It is now leaking so I have had to turn the water off. I managed it OK last time, and I don't think I did anything different. I'm hoping maybe it is a faulty filter rather than a faulter fitter!

I am hearing ... silence. Star was off school sick on Thursday and Friday, and Cherub missed playgroup for the entire week, so I'm extra appreciative of this morning's quiet.

Around the house ... Cherub's works of art. She has suddenly discovered drawing in a big way, and sheets of paper are getting scattered everywhere.

One of my favorite things ... McVities chocolate caramel digestive biscuits.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... new starters' meeting at Cherub's will-be-school; Tevye's late cousin's son from South Africa is in England and planning to visit us from Thursday to Saturday; A and K-next-door are away next weekend and their two girls will be staying over with us, so we will have a house full. Angel has a gym competition on Sunday, and Star is going on a friend's birthday trip to a theme park on Saturday. After this week everything should quieten down. I hope.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... I've been busy over the past week uploading old photos to Flickr, and found a few gems. These two pictures tell you everything you need to know about Star and A-next-door!

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. My fridge once started leaking out of the blue, and it was a plugged tube -- maybe the leakage doesn't have anything to do with your filter changing?

    What a busy week!
