Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rambling On

After my existential blogging crisis over the past month or so, I have come to a conclusion ... I'm just going to continue rambling on as I always have.

I have history on my mind these days, so expect more about that, and hopefully there will be quite a number of historical book reviews just as soon as I get my head back in reading mode. I'm also hoping to write more "thinking posts" about the eclectic mish-mash of things I have on my mind. And of course, the usual random and family-oriented jumble you have come to know and love tolerate over the years.


  1. Yay! Because the real reason I come here is just because I like you. Some blogs I go to because of what they write about but others because of who they are. I would be awful sad if you were to disappear from this space.

  2. Ditto what Melanie said. I'm just happy you'll still be blogging, no matter what you decide to blog about.

  3. I'd be sad, too, and I love reading about your life. Like Melanie and Theresa, I just like you. :)

  4. I'll join in the chorus of liking you. Maybe after Cherub is in school we'll actually manage to get together???

  5. Thank you. What nice readers you are :).
