Saturday, March 06, 2010

40 Trash Bag Challenge: Weeks 4 and 5 Update

Steaming ahead now with the 40 Trash Bag Challenge ... five bags of books in Week 4, and five bags of clothes in Week 5. Past the half way point with 21 bags of stuff out of the door.

9 bags of books

1 bag of old magazines and catalogues

7 bags of clothes

1 bag of old shoes

3 bags of toys, games and puzzles


  1. Woohooo!! You are on a roll!

  2. Your post is timely. We have just returned from a funeral which involved starting to sort out the belongings of my husband's brother. As a priest his possessions were relatively few, but he had file cabinets full of articles, sheet music, photos and mementos which the family couldn't throw away—and most of which have made it back to our already jam-packed house. I made a vow to edit my papers etc. rather than pass them all on to my children. Grist for a shredder rather than a garbage bag.

  3. I like the way you list the details with the cute trash bag icons!

  4. You are doing well - and I love your new header!

  5. Oooooh so glad I commented - love that photo :sigh:

    Congratulations on the trash bag decluttering project.
