Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 16th February

Outside My Window ... a grey and damp February morning

I am thinking ... about what to put in my trash bags. I have fallen behind over the past week.

From the learning rooms ... half term week, but Angel has English coursework to do.

I am thankful ... that both Angel and Star were given a clean bill of health after hospital appointments to check their backs yesterday. Scoliosis runs in Tevye's family so the girls are monitored regularly.

From the kitchen ... pancakes for pancake day.

I am wearing ... ridiculous pink pyjamas with hearts on. Very Valentine's Day.

I am creating ... socks for the Ravelympics (olympics for knitters at Ravelry to coincide with the winter olympics). I'm tackling fair isle for the first time in about twenty years.

I am going ... to Ikea to check out a bed for Star. She is next in the queue for a bedroom revamp.

I am reading ... Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy by Rumer Godden (a re-read)

I am hoping ... both Tevye and I are finally beating the colds, coughs and other nasties we have been struggling with over the past couple of weeks.

I am hearing ... CBeebies. Yes, it is that time of the morning again. Cherub watches TV; I blog.

Around the house ... laundry. After a weekend away and a week knocked out by a cold and mastitis (how unfair is that when I am not even nursing?) the dirty clothes mountain was reaching new heights. Also Angel cleared out her bedroom at the weekend and most of her wardrobe seems to have migrated to the laundry baskets.

One of my favorite things ... time with Tevye away from the normal everyday chaos. We had a lovely break up north - pictures to come later.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Ikea; a girly night at an Indian restaurant with friends and daughters; a flower fairy birthday party for Cherub; Star's first dance festival performance

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... sock progress so far

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. What a lovely sock-in-progress. I do envy you your knitting talent - I can barely manage a scarf! I don't know if I've mentioned Jean Greehowe to you before - have you ever seen her knitting patterns for children's toys? Do you knit anything like that?

  2. Ooh, such gorgeous toes so far!! Love the color combo :)

  3. Anonymous11:11 pm

    The sock is looking good. Hope you've finally beaten the illnesses.
