Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'Tis The Season ...

... of odd Christmas decorations.

First, there was the foil wrapped pub. The whole place was like this - every exposed beam that could be wrapped, was wrapped. The limitations of my phone meant I couldn't get a more panoramic picture, but take it from me, the overall effect was decidedly unusual. Perhaps someone needed to find a use for a job lot of turkey foil. Or maybe they had an obsession with shiny things. On the whole, I think turkey foil is better kept for turkeys.

Then there were the dangling legs in a nearby shopping centre (the one Cherub thinks is the name of a month, not the one where Dorothy got tangled up with an armed robbery). Not just any old dangling legs, but animated, kicking legs.

Over the last two weekends I spent six hours playing carols right next to the legs, but in the end still couldn't decide what they were meant to be. The giant from Jack and the Beanstalk trying to escape by climbing into a cloud? (The odd green thing underneath is definitely a beanstalk, though in the picture it looks rather dragon-like.) Father Christmas disappearing into a puff of smoke? Father Christmas being swallowed by a giant brain? Who knows!

Any interesting Christmas decorations in your part of the world?


  1. Selfridges windows are definitely odd... no photos to share - but the punk make up looks like something cherub might do!

    Glad you are feeling better.

  2. The first thing I thought of when viewing the foil wrapped pub is that the expense would be massive. Foil is expensive, at least here in the States.

    I have yet to get a picture of the house up the road where the man takes the month of November to decorate and then flips the switch on all the lights on Thanksgiving night. We are convinced that the lighting can be seen from outer space. So glad that I am not his neighbor.

  3. The second photo is hilarious! It's obviously Santa's legs stuck in the top of the chimney, but it's been hung upside down. His legs should be kicking up into the air, not hanging down, unless one has a gravity-defying chimney downspout....

  4. Anonymous11:25 pm

    Bizarre. Both the legs and the foil wrapped pub. Was the beer any good? :)

  5. The legs are very intriguing. Almost worth a pilgrimage to Aylesbury to view them.
    Everything seems quite conventional so far down my neck of the woods. Mind you i haven't been getting out much lately so who knows what's out there. I was in Brent Cross yesterday and they had the same larger than life nativity figures made out of hessian that they have every year. Very trad and conventional really.
