Monday, December 07, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 7th December

Outside My Window ... wet, windy, leaden skies. So much for December.

I am thinking ... of things I need to do before Christmas.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub is practicing Christmas songs for playgroup, which she may or may not deign to perform before an audience of parents. I would bet on not.  

I am thankful ... for umbrellas, the great British year-round accessory.

From the kitchen ... turkey steaks, broccoli and some sort of frozen fries or wedges.

I am wearing ... greenish-brown trousers, green and cream striped top, multicoloured striped socks.

I am creating ... knitted Christmas presents. Sweater for my brother almost done, one sock for Angel almost done.

I am going ... to get lunch for Cherub and myself at the supermarket cafe. It will save time and I want something more warming than our usual lunchtime sandwich.

I am reading ... Reshaping Rural England: a Social History 1850-1925 by Alun Howkins.

I am hoping ... for frost and snow at Christmas, not wind and rain.

I am hearing ... Cherub singing "I'm a little snowman" to herself.

Around the house ... lots of wrapped Christmas presents, hidden away in various places.

One of my favorite things ... gingerbread latte.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... orthodontist with Angel to get her braces fitted on her top teeth; Tevye's office Christmas meal; more brass band carol playing at the weekend.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... on this week's to-do list ...

(C) Musical Linguist; Wikimedia Commons
Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! Christmas pudding. I love gingerbread lattes too and save them for the days when we head off to the local bookstore for an afternoon of browsing.
