Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Night Duty

Between 10.30pm and 1.30am last night I ...
  • applied Vicks Vapour Rub to coughing child
  • checked child's peak flow
  • gave foot rub to insomniac child
  • tucked up grumpy insomniac child
  • comforted crying child and tucked her up in her own bed
  • comforted crying child and tucked her up in my bed (child stopped crying)
  • put child back in her own bed (child started crying)
  • gave Nurofen to child complaining of hurting knee
  • gave hungry child a cheesestring
  • drank mug of Horlicks
  • watched one episode of Little Princess and three of Peppa Pig
  • put child back to bed
  • gave up on trying to sleep and curled up on sofa with laptop
  • went upstairs to give child drink of water (twice)
  • managed not to lose patience
  • dozed off on sofa
Sometimes I want a job with regular hours.


    1. Oh dear! Poor you - was it the same child each time? Hope tonight is better.

    2. No, two different children. At least at one point the crying small one distracted the grumpy middle-sized one from her woes!

    3. Wow! Give yourself a gold star for patience!! I hope they are feeling better soon. (and you don't come down with anything!)

    4. I was up with you! I had to dash out to a 24 hour pharmacy - oh the coughing!
      I love Peppa Pig!

    5. Ugh - mind you you can look forward to when you and Tevye keep THEM up all night :)

      Hope that everyone sleeps well tonight.

    6. That's amazing that you did not become impatient! Well done!

    7. A loving mama, they may not remember these exact moments, but they remember the feeling of our love.
