Monday, November 09, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 9th Novemb

Outside My Window ... grey, foggy November.

I am thinking ... of how to kill time while Tevye is at a medical appointment this afternoon. The river and park is not looking good in this weather.

From the learning rooms ... chemistry project for Angel on oil refining and petrochemicals. Not her favourite subject.

I am thankful ... Tevye took Cherub to playgroup this morning so I could whizz round the supermarket after the school run.

From the kitchen ... plans for German food for our pot luck international dinner with our neighbours on Friday. I've never cooked German food before. Should be interesting.

I am wearing ... jeans, blue striped long sleeved top, blue hand knitted socks.

I am creating ... Christmas presents. Concentrating on a shawl and socks at the moment.

I am going ... to try to teach my brother to play the trombone. This will be something of a challenge as I had never tried a trombone myself until yesterday.

I am reading ... nothing. I have hit a book hiatus. 

I am hoping ... I can transcribe lots of census records during a two week free trial with Ancestry.

I am hearing ... Cherub singing "Five little men in a baker's shop ... eating her curds and whey".  Interesting conflation of nursery rhymes

Around the house ...laundry. Again. Sometimes I think my life is dominated by laundry.

One of my favorite things ...  fresh, crusty bread

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... ophthalmologist for Tevye today (I have to drive him because of the drops they put in his eyes); dental appointments; potluck international dinner with neighbours on Friday (our turn to host); family meal at Dragon City (Chinese buffet) on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 pm

    I think my life is dominated by laundry too!
