Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jesse Tree

Since Angel was little we have set up a Jesse Tree for Advent - not quite every year, but most. For several years we used a large branched twig sprayed silver, until it got too old and tatty. Since then we have made do with a small artificial Christmas tree, but I have wanted to find something different, something that would show up the ornaments more clearly. Finally, this year, I found this silver spiral tree in John Lewis, which I thought would work nicely. I bought it, and patted myself on the back for being ahead of the game. 

Then a couple of weeks after buying the spiral, I spotted this in the Lakeland catalogue, which would have been truly perfect! Don't you think it has "Jesse Tree" written all over it?

Ah well! Maybe next year.


  1. Anonymous12:21 pm

    Want want want want...I wonder if they have a cheaper version in TK Maxx!

    Every year I plan to do a Jesse tree but never am organised with all the ornaments in time. Perhaps this year...

  2. I've been thinking of buying that too! It IS nice. LOL!

  3. Love it!! Definately Jessie Tree!

  4. Ahh, it's the time of year when I get all stressed about the Jesse tree. LOL ... Last year, we did felt squares on a drawn tree. Sigh. I love the pic though. I wonder if I have enough time to scour through thrift stores for one. It's SO pretty!

  5. I like them both, but that second one really is perfect, isn't it?

  6. I got it! This very day I went off to Lakeland in Brent Cross and bought it!
    When I first saw your post I went onto the Lakeland site and was going to order it online but the P&P is a bit off putting ( I think it's about £4.50) so I waited for an opportunity to get down there myself. It's reduced from £19.99 to £12.99 now.
    Thank you for the recommendation, it's exactly what I have been looking for for a few years now.
    I normally just make something with a few twigs in a large vase, but it's a faff and it's tricky hanging the ornaments securely on twigs ( we run out of 'ends' to hang them on)
    I came over here to let you know and then saw your link to Karens advent post. What a bumper crop of ideas that is.

    Normally I come across posts like these just a little too late, but this year I hope to be a little more prepared.
    I love Advent and I really enjoy advent activities. And whilst they are wonderful for preparing the heart and mind, they are also practically helpful. I find that, although technically they are something else 'to do' they really help me to get organised for Christmas. Perhaps that's because I can't forget that it's just around the corner. Since I've been doing the Jesse Tree I think I pace myself better.

  7. So, I gave in and bought that Lakeland tree today! There's a store right here so it was hard to stay away!

    Even though my kids are big, and we are all busy, it will be nice to see the tree collect ornaments throughout this season.

  8. LOL! That's at least two sales Lakeland have made owing to your post. You should be on commission!

  9. Three, if you count the fact that I talked myself into it ;). No handy Lakeland here, but I needed a carpet cleaning thingy, and it only took some chocolate covered Kendal mint cakes to push me over the free postage limit. Tough one, that! I'm being good and saving them for Christmas.

  10. I just posted a picture of the Lakeland Jesse tree in progress, if your interested.
    Thanks again for the excellent tip!
