Monday, November 02, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 2nd November

Outside My Window ... a beautiful, bright autumn morning.

I am thinking ... about a local history research project that is poking its way into my mind.

From the learning rooms ... playgroup for Cherub today, but the older girls have a teacher training day and are not back at school until tomorrow.

I am thankful ... for online grocery shopping with free delivery when I have been too disorganised to go to the supermarket. I'm not sure why Waitrose are currently giving me free delivery, but I'm taking advantage of it while it lasts.

From the kitchen ... cottage pie for dinner.

I am wearing ... khaki cord trousers, cream sweater and stripey handknitted socks.

I am creating ... a cardigan-coat for myself, a shawl for Mum for Christmas, and a dress for Cherub. Then I have more presents to knit for Christmas - a sweater for my brother, socks for Angel, and a penguin for Star's collection. Star also wants me to make her a knitted nail varnish bottle. Huh? 

I am going ... to enjoy getting back into our normal routine this week. School holidays are fun, but the lack of routine means grocery shopping, menu planning, laundry and housework all goes to pot.

I am reading ... still Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. 

I am hoping ... nothing else will break this week. Last week it was the phone and my camera. The week before it was Tevye's electric shaver. The gremlins have been out in force here.

I am hearing ... Angel at the computer working on homework, otherwise everything is quiet.

Around the house ... last week's autumn flowers still going strong.

One of my favorite things ... libraries. I love libraries.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a firework display on Bonfire Night (Thursday); playing at Remembrance Day services with the brass band on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... I'm hoping that Father Christmas may manage to bring me something like this. I miss my camera.

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. That's my camera (almost!) I do enjoy it.

  2. abby is reading that book, too. :-)

  3. You miss your camera? What happened to it?
