Sunday, November 01, 2009

Fallen Off The Meme Wagon

I mention that my posting seems to be mostly Mr Linky memes and what happens? I promptly fall off the meme wagon.

I'm afraid Corner View is on hold for a while so far as I am concerned, due to circumstances beyond my control ... namely, a dead camera. It makes hopeful clicky-whirry noises when I turn it on, but the effort to push out the lens and open the lens cover is too much for it. It is old, its battery performance has been deteriorating fast, and it certainly isn't worth fixing. So no camera, no corner view. At least I know what I want Father Christmas to bring. (Are you listening, Father C?)

And when I started to write 7 Quick Takes on Friday, my brain froze. I am apparently no longer capable of seven coherent thoughts in one week. So, for the time being at least, I'm going back to random blog posts. I've been short of ideas lately, and maybe that will make me push my way past writer's block.


  1. Well you can always write about your little Cherub and her cute doings and sayings....

  2. True ... but I'm in danger of becoming a one trick blogger!

  3. Little Cherub would never become just one trick ... she's full of tricks, all of them delightful. :)
