Monday, September 28, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 28th September

Outside My Window ... a grey morning, but supposed to be warm again this afternoon. Leaves yellowing on the trees.

I am thinking ... about Christmas. Yes, already. I like to shop and prepare in advance so that when we get to Advent I can enjoy doing all the fun stuff.

From the learning rooms ... lots of homework. Angel's workload has definitely cranked up this year.

I am thankful ... that Cherub is fully recovered and eating like a (miniature) horse.

From the kitchen ... preparing a traditional end of Yom Kippur meal for Tevye tonight. Chollah in the bread machine, cold fried fish, smoked salmon, salad, and honey cake.

I am wearing cord trousers, black and cream striped sweater, black vest, black socks. Very monochrome today.

I am creating ... fluff. Knitting a lacy cowl with fluffy, mohair rich yarn. I just need to finish the bottom edging.

I am going have a quiet afternoon in, reading to and playing with Cherub, looking after Star who is off school with a nasty headache, baking honey cake and hopefully spending a bit of time sitting with my feet up knitting.

I am reading ... Ripping Things To Do: the Best Games and Ideas from Children's Books by Jane Brocket. Review to come later.

I am hoping ... nobody else gets ill this week.

I am hearing ... blissful silence!

Around the house ... Playmobil taking over again, as Cherub wanted to get the castle out. It takes me an age to build, so once up, it stays up for a while.

One of my favorite things ... smoked salmon bagels.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... orthodondist's appointment for Angel to get her "train tracks" on Friday; brass band concert on Saturday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... conker hunting. No. I have no idea why Cherub and friend needed binoculars to collect conkers, but they were very sure that they did. 

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Conkers are wiley things and I'm not surprised that Cherub and co needed binoculars. Around here we find mostly squashed ones sadly. Princess brought me home a shiny one the other day... must be time to swap decor.

    Hope Tevye had a good fast.

  2. Could I please have your bread machine chollah recipe? I used to hand bake mine but just haven't had the time lately and the kids are asking for it again. If I can use a short cut all the better!

    I miss conker-hunting.
