Monday, September 21, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 21st September

Outside My Window ... the first glimmers of daylight. Hoping for another pleasantly warm, early autumn day.

I am thinking ... of various things I need to sort out with Star before she leaves for school.

From the learning rooms ... Angel tells me she has her first GCSE exam in January (first of four Health and Social Care units). She is also working on a six week personal training plan as part of her PE coursework.

I am thankful ... for my mother, who celebrates her 82nd birthday today.

From the kitchen ... pasta with tomato pesto and creme fraiche for dinner. Maybe a second attempt at a honey cake for Rosh Hashanah. I usually make good honey cake, but my favourite cake tin died and I tried using one with a removable base. Bad move. Part of the mixture trickled out of the bottom into the oven and the rest was more congealed than baked.

I am wearing ... yes, pyjamas.

I am creating ... a pink cardigan with a cable pattern for Little Cherub.

I am going ... to Tesco first thing to pick up antibiotics for Cherub

I am reading ... Knit Two by Kate Jacobs (sequel to The Friday Night Knitting Club) but not liking it much.

I am hoping ... the antibiotics do their job and Cherub's chest infection clears quickly.

I am hearing ... Balamory.

Around the house ... bags. I could swear they multiply. School bags, PE bags, shoulder bags, book bags, carrier bags ... they all seem to cluster together in a corner of the sitting room. Maybe they like company.

One of my favorite things ... my cosy, warm winter duvet, which I swapped for the lighter, summer one last week.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ...  lots of rest for Cherub. A meal with our neighbours on Friday. Not much else.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... the green hat I made for Cherub (which she refuses to model as she is going through a camera shy stage).

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman.


  1. Oh, I did the same thing once with some Monkey Bread. What a mess in the oven.
    I liked what you said about bags. We do seem to accumulate them. I try to have a bag for each of my clubs so that I don't have to hunt for things at the last minute and one for church.
    I hope the little one feels better soon.
    I'm thankful you still have your Mother. Enjoy these days with her.
    Mama Bear

  2. Love, love the hat! I so enjoyed the Friday Night Knitting Club. Forgot there was a sequel. I'll have to add it to my reading list.

    I enjoyed reading your Daybook!

  3. The green cap is beautiful. You did a great job on it. I enjoyed your blog. I hope you have a great week. Doylene
