Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Corner View: Out The Car Window

The school run ... random point and click shots from the car window on a dull September morning.
ETA: It looks even more dull and grey on my laptop than it did when I uploaded the pictures earlier!

For more corner views, visit Spain Daily. Next week's theme is "white".

Green start ...

Stuck at lights ...

Railway bridge - too narrow for two lanes of traffic ...

Drop off point (not too near the schools - too much traffic!) ...

Left turn ...

Nearly home ...


  1. What fun! I like seeing the everyday details of life like this.

  2. Silly me. I thought all of your pictures were backward until I remembered you folks drive on the other side of the road. Doh!

  3. You live in a lovely area - I would enjoy a daily drive like this one!

  4. The green looks beautiful. so many trees.

  5. Isn't it dangerous to drive on the wrong side of the road like that!!???

  6. I love how you documented your corner view. Lovely to see the "ordinary" in other people's lives!

  7. I'm not lost ;) Thanks for the ride !!!

  8. Not dull at all....for me your ride is like driving during a holiday. Everything looks new and exciting!
    Have a great week, Jeannette

  9. very fun and not at all uncolorful... but didn't it freak you out to snap while driving?

  10. What a fun post.

    Is Little Cherub feeling better?

  11. I think you've captured the essence of the theme there. You give us a true snapshot of where you live.
