Monday, May 18, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 18th May

Outside My Window ... leaves fluttering in the breeze. Looks like another day of changeable weather. Could do anything!

I am thinking ... about discipline and boundaries for Star. Not sure whether we need to tighten up or loosen up. How I wish children came with individual parenting manuals.

From the learning rooms ... independent learning week for Angel, chilled out post-SATs week for Cherub, gentle Montessori activities for Cherub.

I am thankful for ... a quiet Monday morning after a busy weekend.

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and chilli. And I think I may do some baking with Cherub this morning. I wonder what we should make?

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas. Once I get dressed I'll be wearing black jeans, a purple v-neck top and black shoes.

I am creating ... this little cardigan in a deep pink with white trim. I don't think the crocheted hat is going to work out. Still have several unfinished projects, but that doesn't stop me starting something new. Perhaps it should, but it doesn't.

I am going ... to take Cherub to Legoland on Friday. K-next-door is coming with use.

I am reading ... finally making some progress with The Planets by Dava Sobel. I'm in that reading stage where I like the books I've started enough to want to finish them, but not enough to get stuck into them. Result: I haven't been reading at all. Maybe I should just move on.

I am hoping ... the weather will be good on Friday. Don't fancy Legoland in the rain. I also don't want to have to postpone the trip and it would mean having to buy a ticket for Cherub (children under 3 go free).

I am hearing ... Tweenies on TV.

Around the house ... the beginning of kitchen chaos. My brother has started stripping off wallpaper.

One of my favorite things ... theme parks. I'm a big kid at heart.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... not too much this week apart from the Legoland trip.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... spring in England - sometimes like my header picture, sometimes like this:

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture! Reminds me of Christopher Robin, "Tut, tut. It looks like rain."
