Monday, May 18, 2009

Flying Angel

Yesterday Angel took part in her first gymnastics competition for five years. I had forgotten what a long haul these can be. This one ran over time by an hour and a half, making it a very long afternoon.

Angel competed at Level 5* in the 13+ age group. It was a two piece competition, so just floor and vault - no beam or bars. She was being a bit ambitious as she wanted to compete in the same group as her friends, despite the fact that they have been doing gym for much longer (she only went back four months ago) and train twice a week (she only goes once). Two weeks ago she could only manage a handspring over the vault from a trampette, and couldn't land her front somersault on the floor. After putting in some extra training she landed both on the day, and finished a creditable 9th out of 19.

I have never managed to master the video function on my camera and my attempt to film her floor routine failed. I did manage to get her vault, though (complete with swirly blur at the end):

* UK gymnastics levels work differently to those in the US. In the UK, there are a couple of general gymnastics (beginners) levels, with the proper artistic gymnastics levels starting at Level 6 and going up to Level 1 (international standard). Looking at this list of skills for the various US Levels I'd say Level 6 UK = Level 4 US, Level 5 UK - Level 5 / 6 US, Level 4 UK = Level 6 / 7 US.


  1. Congrats and good for her! Good job with the video, Mom! :)

  2. Terrific!!!! Ninth out of 19 is not too shabby!Way to go!
