Monday, April 27, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 27th April

Outside My Window ... cold, wet, wintry weather. Such a come down after a week of beautiful warm, spring sun.

I am thinking ... what a difference the weather makes to my mood.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub is being hugely enthusiastic about playgroup - asks every morning if she is going ... big cheers if the answer is yes, and groans if it is no.

I am thankful for ... hot water and central heating, after three visits from a repair man - first to fix a noisy water pump and then to work out why the fixing left us with no heating and only tepid water.

From the kitchen ... chicken stir fry.

I am wearing ... black jeans, grey sweater, silver pendant necklace, hand knitted socks, crocs. Back to winter clothes after a week of linen trousers and t-shirts.

I am creating ... mundane sewing - taking in skirts, turning up trouser legs, and sewing ribbons onto ballet shoes.

I am going ... to curl up in the warm as much as possible.

I am reading ... Yiddish Civilisation: the Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation by Paul Kriwaczek and The Planets by Dava Sobel.

I am hoping ... the spring weather comes back quickly.

I am hearing ... the TV. I am half watching Zoo Days while typing.

Around the house ... wet washing. No chance of hanging it outside today.

One of my favorite things ... hot bacon sandwiches with mustard.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... play date for Cherub, meeting with parents of First Communion children, an English themed meal with neighbours (hmmm ... what to cook?).

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... the underside of a ray at the Sealife Centre - taken by Star, which tells you quite a bit about how Star's mind works! See its mouth?

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Thank you for sharing your daybook. The book you're reading sounds interesting! Oh, and I love the photo of the ray! :)

  2. I don't think it's kind of you to blog about hot bacon sandwiches in front of your very pregnant, very hungry friend.
