Sunday, April 26, 2009

April's Shower of Photos 9

Back home again ... and here is the beautiful thirteenth century Church (dedicated to All Saints) in the town centre:

The ironwork on the west end door is also thirteenth century, made by the same master craftsmen as the ironwork at Westminster Abbey (I couldn't get quite the whole of the door in the shot as I had to poke the camera through the metal grille that screens off the porch):

The Church has a glorious sixty metre tall spire which can be seen from all the approaches to the town - when we see the spire, we know we are almost home:

The brickwork on the spire is convex, curving outwards slightly to make it appear straight from a distance (I don't claim to understand how this illusion works!). I took this picture looking upwards from the base of the spire, and it is just possible to see the curve:


  1. What a wonderful way to know that you are almost home! Such a beautiful church!

  2. So beautiful! Is the church still in use?
