Monday, March 09, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 9th March

Outside My Window ... blue-grey early morning light and clear skies.

I am thinking ... thinking? It's too early in the morning to think!

From the learning rooms ... Star is taking part in a gym/dance showcase at school this week. She needs to record some music onto a CD for today's rehearsal. She told me this at 6.30am and we have no blank CDs. Hoping against hope that K-next-door will have a spare and avert meltdown. (ETA: She does! Oh wonderful neighbour!)

I am thankful for ... cute new toddler nighties. Sleepsuits don't work well with potties, and pyjama bottoms fall down on Cherub.

From the kitchen ... beef casserole.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas.

I am creating ... plans for a new kitchen. Exciting, but oh! so many choices to make! Trying to balance our wish list and our budget.

I am going ... to take Little Cherub to see the nurse. Her eczema won't clear no matter how much cream I slather on it. Looks like it may be infected. (Been there before with Angel, so this is a familiar scenario.)

I am reading ... My Life With the Saints by James Martin S.J.

I am hoping ... all the winter coughs, colds and sickies are over and done with.

I am hearing ... Little Cherub announcing that she is going downstairs.

Around the house ... surface clutter multiplying again.

One of my favorite things ... daffodils.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... parent-teacher meeting at Star's school; a kitchen-planning appointment; an Irish themed meal with our neighbour friends in honour of St. Patrick's Day next week (my turn to make dessert - any ideas?); Angel's birthday next Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... another old photo. My adopted great-aunt's parents, William and Annie Wilson, taken late 19th century.

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. My Little Irish Cookbook has the following for dessert suggestions:

    Blackberry Sorbet (late August to mid-October for fresh blackberries but perhaps you have some in the deep freeze?)
    Rhubarb Fool
    Gooseberry Crumble
    Apple Tart
    Porter Cake

    Do you see the Irishness in any of these?

  2. I once did a chocolate mousse in small glass tumblers topped with whipped cream as "Guinness" :)

    But I've also done wobbily green jelly (make up with 2/3 water pour into flat tin and cut out with sharp knife into shamrocks.

    Cute toddler nighties aw.....

  3. Anonymous3:34 am

    Oh a new kitchen! That is exciting! I hope you will post before, during, and after photos! I am digging your blog!
