Friday, March 06, 2009

7 Quick Takes


1. I am vindicated. After years of torturous maths lessons, Angel has finally admitted that yes, she accepts that she really can do maths, as evidenced by being moved up to the top maths set.

2. One reason I'm glad to be British ... a senior government minister can have green custard thrown in his face and the protestor responsible doesn't even get arrested. And all credit to Peter Mandelson for taking it with rather more good humour than John Prescott did during the egg-throwing incident.

3. The older I get, the more my reading skews towards non-fiction, but I have just thoroughly enjoyed two pieces of fiction: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, and The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett, recommended by Shari and Lissa respectively.

4. Getting into Grandma's car after lunch, Little Cherub asked if I was going to "push" the car. I think she meant drive.

5. How to find easy-to-pull-down trousers or leggings for a newly potty-trained but very tiny 2.75yo? Ones that pull down as opposed to fall down? The best fit seem to be ... gulp ... Gap, which is sadly out of my budget. I know they fit as she has one pair from an outfit that was a gift, and I found another pair in their sale. But £20 for a pair of toddler jeans, anyone? Dresses are not working for the time being as she can't manage tights yet.

6. Mister Linky has reappeared as mysteriously as he disappeared from my computer. Joy! I can now find other people's Quick Takes and Day Books.

7. Little Cherub is taking a nap for the first time this week. Even more joy!

Read more quick takes at Jen's Conversion Diary.


  1. Do you have Old Navy stores in the UK? They are Gap's cheaper sister store, with many of the same styles. I have two that are very tall and slim, and Old Navy is the only place I can find pants to fit (they have both slim size options and adjustable waists).

  2. So what was that nasty lady protesting? I don't care what your cause is, if you feel the need to be so abomiably rude to make your point, I immediately want to contribute money to the opposing side. So who do I send my check to?????? LOL!

    Hurrah for naps!

  3. Anonymous11:08 pm

    Congrats to Cherub on the potty training!! Little Miss Mia needs to get working on that here soon but we're waiting for warmer weather. £20 for a pair of toddler jeans? I don't think so!

  4. i break my blog fast to say -- Ebay :-)

  5. Dresses with long socks?
