Monday, February 09, 2009

Winter Break

Despite the snow, Tevye and I managed to get away together for a long weekend on our own. We were apprehensive about the journey - would we make it? how long would it take? - but it turned out to be an easy trip. While the south and midlands were snowbound, the north was enjoying perfect winter weather - crisp and bright, with some snow still on the ground, but all the roads clear.

We stayed at our all time favourite hotel, which was as good as ever and well worth the four and a half hour drive. We enjoyed delicious food, roaring log fires, time exploring the Lake District and blissful, uninterrupted sleep!

More pictures to come later.


  1. Anonymous10:39 pm

    Kathryn, we also took a long weekend as well, but we went to Stratford. It was my third trip there. We had considered the Lake District (we went there on our honeymoon), but as you said the weather was not the best. I hope to return again (with children) and explore Author Ransome's haunts. What a wonderful experience for you and Tevye!

  2. Funny, we went to the Lake District for our honeymoon too :). As it turned out that the weather up there was lovely ... far better than here in the south.
