Monday, February 09, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 9th February

For Monday 9th February

Outside My Window ... last week's snow thawing rapidly in the rain.

I am thinking ... how nice it is to have recovered from the bronchitis I struggled with over the past couple of weeks.

From the learning rooms ... Angel and Star back at school after four Snow Days last week.

I am thankful for ... a lovely long weekend away with Tevye and lots of uninterrupted sleep.

From the kitchen ... chicken stir fry and Dorset apple cake.

I am wearing ... blue jeans, grey v-neck sweater, fluffy socks and a woolly scarf lovingly knitted by a dear friend. Keeping warm helps to stop me coughing.

I am creating ... the second of a pair of stripy socks and a knitted cotton cardigan. I'm also thinking of trying to crochet this cotton cardigan, but don't have enough yarn. Do I risk buying some more with a different dye lot and hoping it matches well enough?

I am going ... to try a new routine of grocery shopping on Mondays while Angel is dancing. I think I should just about be able to squeeze it in.

I am reading ... just starting Shrines of Our Lady in England by Anne Vail, and finishing off A History of Hand Knitting by Richard Rutt.

I am hoping ... that we have seen the last of the snow. I enjoy snow, but it is time for life to get back to normal.

I am hearing ... silence, apart from the faint hum of the dishwasher.

Around the house ... living room, hall, stairs and landing all freshly painted. My brother finished the last bits off while we were away.

One of my favorite things ... sitting in front of a roaring log fire on a cold day.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a parents' evening to discuss Angel's GCSE options; a pub night with old friends from Angel's toddler days.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own. [Am I the only person who can't find the Mr Linky at The Simple Woman? I can't add my daybook entry or read others and it is bugging me!]


  1. I meant to reply last week, I can find Mr Linky, wonder why he's hiding from you?

  2. o.k. I linked you... having followed your link to see if it was different. Wonder if you get any traffic...

    Why not email Peggy and see if she's had any other comments?

  3. Anonymous8:25 pm

    I think she moved it over to its own site, here's the link I used today.

    Love your crocus in the banner, so cheery!

  4. Nope, still no sign of Mr Linky ... I was looking in the right place, but he's just GONE. I can see other Mr Linky's so it is something peculiar to the Daybook. It disappeared once before for a week or so, and then reappeared. Odd.
