Monday, February 16, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 16th February

For Monday 9th February

Outside My Window ... still a few small patches of snow on the ground. A pale grey day, threatening rain but warmer than it has been.

I am thinking ... how hard I always find it to pin down my scattered brain and work out just what I am thinking.

From the learning rooms ... half term break.

I am thankful for ... returning energy.

From the kitchen ... pasta and meatballs or shepherd's pie. I need to check what meat I have in the freezer.

I am wearing ... ridiculous pink pyjamas with hearts on.

I am creating ... a summer cardigan in 4 ply (fingering weight?) cotton. One front and most of a sleeve done since last week. I decided against the crocheted cardigan and want to crochet a sweater instead. I bought the pattern but not the yarn yet. Why can't I finish one thing before starting another?

I am going ... to try to get into town today to buy that yarn.

I am reading ... Shrines of Our Lady in England by Anne Vail and Beatrix Potter at Home in the Lake District by Susan Denyer. I read Flora Thompson: the Story of the Lark Rise Writer by Gillian Lindsay over the weekend.

I am hoping ... the girls have a nice, relaxing half term.

I am hearing ... Little Cherub watching TV and eating her breakfast.

Around the house ... oddments from the living room to put away, pictures to hang, school uniforms to wash.

One of my favorite things ... libraries.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... finish a 99.9% done cross stitch project and get it framed; buy new school trousers for Star; take Star and a friend swimming; take the girls to the cinema.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... spotted in the kitchen

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own. [It appears Mr Linky just doesn't like me. I can't find him anywhere.]

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