Saturday, February 14, 2009

British Life and Culture ... and Calendars

I have been meaning to post this link for a while ...

Woodlands Junior School in Kent has developed an amazing Project Britain website over the past ten years, with a ton of information about British life and culture. The school and its pupils have done an tremendous job, and this would be a great resource for learning about Britain. It has everything from a run down of British etiquette to an explanation of "old money".

My favourite section of the site is the series of calendars. I particularly like the British Folklore, Facts and Legends calendar. Did you know that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, she would marry a sailor? Neither did I.


  1. Oh Oh, I saw a robin flying overhead yesterday...

  2. Thankyou for featuring our website on your blog. I am so pleased you like it.

    You may also be interested to know we are now on Twitter too.

  3. Anonymous2:46 pm

    Cooool. I love their site and have used it before.

  4. Anonymous3:36 pm

    Nice! I just spent some time browsing around over there, it is simply crammed with goodies!
