Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 30th December

For Tuesday 30th December

A day late, because thanks to the holidays I completely forgot yesterday was Monday.

Outside My Window ... a bright, crisp, frosty winter afternoon.

I am thinking ... of goals for next year.

From the learning rooms ... still Christmas holidays.

I am thankful for ... the change of pace between term time and holidays..

From the kitchen ... pasta with pesto and fromage frais for dinner. And we are still eating up Christmas leftovers and treats.

I am wearing ... faded blue jeans, beige sweater, woolly socks. Warm and cosy for a cold day.

I am creating ... soft, stripey socks in a bamboo blend yarn.

I am going ... to the supermarket to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy and a few food items I forgot yesterday.

I am reading ... On Brick Lane by Rachel Lichtenstein and a Good Housekeeping magazine.

I am hoping ... that all the dire financial predictions for next year turn out to be wrong.

I am hearing ... the TV downstairs. Star is watching a film.

Around the house ... a scattering of Christmas gifts being used or played with.

One of my favorite things ... the clean slate of a new year.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... visiting old friends to see the New Year in; bowling with friends on New Year's Day; a visit from my SIL and her family on Sunday.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. You know, I'm noticing that you're not the only one who's a day late this week!

    And I could very much relate to your "I am thankful for..."

  2. I just love this. Is it okay if I do something similiar on my blog sometimes?
