Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Resolutions - Stock Take

Time to make that annual stock-take again ... how far did I get with last year's resolutions? And what do I want to aim for this year?

First, a review of last year:
A daily 30 minute quiet time for spiritual reading and prayer.
Failed abysmally.
Keep on the Motivated Mom wagon for the entire year.
Not bad. I morphed Motivated Mom into my own list on Toodledo. After a while this got me into a fairly good cleaning routine and I now only need to use Toodledo to get myself back on track if things slip.
Walk to Rivendell with Frodo. I think 458 miles in a year should be possible. If I aim at 10 miles a week that allows for the inevitable slippage. HT: Heather at Doodle Acres
I tried, but was very, very erratic, as you can see from my sidebar. Even after I joined the gym I didn't manage to get into a good routine. By November I had fallen apart completely and stopped counting.
Read at least one history book each month. It has been a while since I have done any serious historical reading and I would like to catch up a bit with what is going on in the historical world, plus read up on some topics I'm interested in.
Pathetic. I don't think I made it past a couple of books.
Knit. After doing virtually no knitting for years I have enjoyed the occasional knitting project over the last couple. I think I'll make 2008 the year of the knitting needle and take it up again properly.
I did well on this one, though I have realised I am a cold weather knitter. I stopped knitting in the summer and then started again in the autumn.

Even though my success rate is very hit and miss, I do find it helpful to make New Year Resolutions. It means I take time out to really think about what things I want to improve or change over the next year. I know from experience that I never manage to achieve all my goals, but some success is far better than none, and I like having something specific to aim at.

I will be posting next year's resolutions later in the week. I have some ideas, but want to ponder bit more first.

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