Monday, December 22, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 22nd December

For Monday 22nd December

Outside My Window ... four o'clock and nearly dark.

I am thinking ... how glad I will be when the days get longer and the evenings lighter.

From the learning rooms ... Christmas holidays!

I am thankful for ... online grocery shopping and avoiding the pre-Christmas supermarket queues.

From the kitchen ... apple pies, cranberry sauce and bread sauce to make for Christmas dinner.

I am wearing ... faded blue jeans, beige hooded sweater, woolly hiking socks.

I am creating ... a soft, fluffy scarf as a Christmas present for my mother.

I am going ... next door for a pre-Christmas get together with our neighbours this evening.

I am reading ... English Catholic history.

I am hoping ... that we don't catch any more coughs and colds over Christmas.

I am hearing ... Little Cherub talking to Star.

Around the house ... a sitting room floor covered in even more Playmobil than last week; washing waiting to be dried; Angel and her friend upstairs.

One of my favorite things ... Little Cherub's experiments with English grammar.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a joyful family Christmas.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...

We have this Playmobil nativity, though a couple of minor pieces have gone missing and it is regularly rearranged by Little Cherub. Also, we don't add the Three Kings until Epiphany.

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. I enjoyed your daybook and love the Nativity :)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh, how I would love to be thankful for online grocery shopping! I am thankful that it has stopped snowing!
