Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Little Glitch

... in my online grocery shopping.

What I asked for ...

What I got ...
Pesto with turkey, anyone?

In all fairness, I know from experience that if I had phoned and complained they would either have delivered the missing stuffing or had it ready for me to pick up, and would have given it to me at no charge, but I just didn't have the heart to add to their workload this week over one small item!


  1. You know - they figured Star would want pesto on her pasta rather than Turkey....

    Actually I've done turkey and pesto pasta which tastes nice :)

    Have a blessed season!

  2. Paxo... pesto... so similar!!!

  3. Missus W... sounds nice, but perhaps not with roast potatoes?

  4. Alas, you have made me thankful for a husband who will do last minute shopping for me! He also had a glitch when he returned with white chocolate melting wafers instead of chips.

  5. Love the picture in the header!

    Did you do the 13 Desserts? We did. Goodness, I've realised I am not a sweets person. Give me savoury things any day. Les Treize Fromages next year, perhaps?
