Monday, December 15, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 15th December

For Monday 15th December

Outside My Window ... a dark, cold, damp evening. Again.

I am thinking ... I should try to do some Christmas crafts with Little Cherub this week.

From the learning rooms ... more science fun for Star. Today they made sherbet. I'm not sure what the other ingredients were, but she had to take crushed Love Hearts with her. She said it was very yummy and the best science lesson ever.

I am thankful for ... breathing easier after my asthma flared up last week.

From the kitchen ... baked potatoes and chilli. Warming winter food.

I am wearing ... black jeans, blue hooded top, beaten metal circle pendant on a leather cord, warm woolly socks.

I am creating ... a soft cream crocheted scarf for Star like the grey one I made for Angel last year (pictured at the end). I finished my socks and a matching pair for Little Cherub that I just (really only just!) managed to squeeze out of the leftover yarn.

I am going ... to get to work on the English Catholic history book for children I am writing. I abandoned it half-done when I was expecting Cherub three years ago. I've given myself a deadline of next summer to get it finished.

I am reading ... nothing. I just finished Bill Bryson and haven't picked anything else up yet.

I am hoping ... that I can get this post onto Simple Woman's Mr Linky. It wouldn't show up for me last week. Anyone else had the same problem?

I am hearing ... Star and Cherub sharing a bath.

Around the house ... a sitting room floor covered in Playmobil, a glue stick with a missing lid, and scattered Christmas tree decorations. Cherub has been busy.

One of my favorite things ... gingerbread latte with whipped cream.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a couple more brass band Christmas concerts, Tevye's office Christmas meal, and - big treat! - a meal out at a smart restaurant for our neighbours' joint 50th birthday celebration. Busy, busy ... but good busy.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. What a beautiful scarf - what stitch is that?

  2. Oh, lovely! How wonderful that you can be so skilled. (I'm limited to just plain squares with my crocheting abilities, boo, hoo.)

    And many blessings and well-wishes for your book!

  3. Baked potato and chili sounds great! Thanks for the idea for dinner tonight!

  4. Anonymous1:33 pm

    The scarf is beautiful!

  5. The scarf is much simpler than it looks, and very quick to work. I think it is a version of fan stitch I found in a library book. Unfortunately although I can read crochet patterns I'm not confident enough with them to write one out, and I couldn't find anything similar on Google.
