Friday, December 12, 2008


We are gradually getting ready for Christmas. We put the tree up last weekend, and Little Cherub has been enjoying herself stripping the ornaments off and lining them up - in the evening we round them up and put them back, having decided it simply isn't worth becoming the Tree Police and that she will eventually tire of the game (hopefully before January 6th!). Yesterday we made Christmas puddings and there is a batch of mince pies in the freezer. Presents are bought and wrapped. I am having an untypically efficient year with leisurely stress-free preparations.

I am feeling so organised I am almost tempted to try this Provencal Christmas Eve tradition ... Les Treize Desserts. Yes, that's right, thirteen desserts. Dorothy makes it sound quite do-able. I would need to adapt to my families less adult tastes, but I think it could be done.


  1. LOL! Dob't forget the meal of 7 vegetables first!

    Post pics if you do it!

  2. BTW, everywhere I go that has those Live Traffic Feeds has me down as Manchester these days. A few weeks ago I was Southampton. I'm guessing they aren't too accurate!
