Monday, November 24, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 24th November

For Monday 17th November

Outside My Window ... grey and damp, with bare tree branches.

I am thinking ... that it would be fun to experience some of this weather, just for a little while. It is so totally outside my experience.

From the learning rooms ... 1:1 Learning Conversation day for Angel. Normal school is cancelled and all the students get a 15 minute one-on-one appointment with their class tutor to discuss their progress. The rest of the day is supposed to be spent doing assigned work at home. Right now, Angel is sleeping.

I am thankful for ... the friend who gave me a lift to Church yesterday morning. I discovered at 10.05 that our car had two flat tyres and I was due to play the organ at 10.30!

From the kitchen ... Cattern Pie for St. Catherine's day tomorrow. Not only is she my name saint, but she is patron of lacemakers. We live on the edge of an area where lacemaking was a traditional occupation, and Cattern's Day was celebrated as a holiday by the lacemakers.

I am wearing ... beige hooded sweater, faded blue jeans, striped fluffy socks. Warm and cosy, but on the scruffy side.

I am creating ... a sweater in navy cotton. I found it in my knitting box, three-quarters done when I abandoned it back in the spring.

I am going ... to play some games with Little Cherub. She is deep in a game playing phase. I'm hoping Father Christmas will expand her collection, as we could all use some variety!

I am reading ... The Magical Maze by Ian Stewart. Living maths.

I am hoping ... Tevye manages to get the tyres fixed or replaced this morning. It looks as though one of us ran over a nail. (He just texted: one repairable, one needs replacing)

I am hearing ... Cherub click-clicking with her Playmobil again. A camper van this time. I rotate the larger Playmobil toys.

Around the house ... a mouse in the garage. I know from experience that any food stuffs left in the garage will attract mice. I thought I could get away with a very thick box of chocolate brownie mix. Wrong. Apparently mice like gourmet chocolate brownie mix.

One of my favorite things ... my toasty warm, feather and down winter duvet.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... haircuts for myself and the two older girls, and maybe the toddler if she cooperates; preparations for Advent (I gave up on the felt Jesse tree idea for now).

Here is picture thought I am sharing ... I just found and scanned in this photo of my great-grandmother, Frances Dugdale

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. That picture is cool. Your great grandma looks brave. :) Sorry about your mouse. Maybe you can write a book now called, "If you give a mouse a brownie box"....

    Have a treasured Thanksgiving.

  2. I love looking at old pictures from family. My Dad has traced our family all the way back. It is great to see the faces of my family.

  3. I love old photographs, what a beautiful one :)

    I just shivered at your "mouse" thing...UGH, I can't stand them they make me want to scream LOL Hope you can find a way to get rid of it.

    My Daybook Entry

  4. Oooh, so sorry that a perfectly good brownie mix was wasted on a mouse!
