Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas Newsletter

In response to overwhelming demand (from one commenter!) to hear about previous ideas we had used for Christmas newsletters, and not wishing to disappoint my reader ...

Due to massive incompetence, it seems we only have a copy of last year's newsletter. All the previous ones have been lost in the shuffle of various computers, and we never had the sense to keep hard copies. Last year we took a literary theme, using book titles as headings for each section, illustrated with cover art borrowed from Amazon. So a section on the girls came under Little Women, Ballet Shoes covered dancing, Five Went Down to the Sea (Famous Five) was for our beach holiday, Tevye's trip to his father's home town of Gdansk was Roots, and so on.

Racking my fuzzy brain for previous themes ... one was a similar idea with song titles, another was a humorous school report with subject headings (holidays under geography, dance under PE, and so on). I'm fairly sure I remember one with a multiple choice question format, though Tevye thinks not ... but given that he writes multiple choice questions for a living it would be very obvious. I think there was also a "Twelve Days of Christmas" letter, where we managed to come up with something relating to our lives for each of the numbers.

I enjoy the creative element of writing newsletters. Writing and addressing Christmas cards is a whole different ball game ...


  1. Thanks for the inspiration, Kathryn!

  2. I was SO curious but dare not ask. I'm glad someone else did! : )

    And those are lovely, fun ideas for newsletters. I wish I had enough relatives to send one to.

  3. I have all the old ones. I will dig them up and scan them for you this week so you'll have them for your family scrapbook or whatever.

  4. Ooh! Catherine! Thank you! I was irritated with myself for not keeping copies ;).

    Pixilated Mum - we don't have many relatives either, but we use the newsletter to keep in touch with friends we don't see often.

  5. Don't forget the year Star arrived and she "wrote" the letter for you :)

    I always like getting letters about friends and family!
