Monday, November 17, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: 17th November

For Monday 17th November

Outside My Window ... late autumn. Many trees almost bare, some still with old yellow leaves falling.

I am thinking ... I must be more disciplined about going to sleep earlier. I'm a night owl and tend to come to life at bed time.

From the learning rooms ... Little Cherub is getting interested in letters. She likes to spell out her name on her bedroom door ("Naomi ... Apple ... Orange ... Mummy ... Ice Cream") and is beginning to pick the letters out when she sees them. This morning she pointed out "Peppa Pig" (p) and "elephant" (e) on the back of a book.

I am thankful for ... a big cardboard box that arrived this morning containing a new printer. The old one had reached the point where it only worked if you held the back together as it printed.

From the kitchen ... more apples from a friend's tree, so this morning Cherub and I made Dorset apple cake and put two apple crumbles in the freezer. There are enough apples left to make an Eve's pudding tomorrow. Bella's delicious sandwich bread is rising in the bread machine. Dinner tonight is chicken stir fry and noodles.

I am wearing ... black jeans, grey polo neck sweater, blue and pink striped fluffy socks, blue crocs.

I am creating ... playlists on iTunes. I had an urge to put together selections of seasonal music.

I am going ... to use iPlayer to catch up on a new BBC series about picture books while Cherub naps.

I am reading ... knitting and Christmas books. I am in the mood for making and doing.

I am hoping ... to get most of my Christmas gifts bought and wrapped by the end of November. I like to be able to focus on Advent and not end up with a last minute rush.

I am hearing ... the click-click of Cherub playing with her Playmobil aeroplane.

Around the house ... laundry drying; a new electric blanket for our bed - the old one broke while still under warranty and the replacement arrived this morning; the printer waiting to be unpacked and set up.

One of my favorite things ... listening to Little Cherub talking to herself as she plays.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... I want to try to make a felt or fabric Jesse Tree. I used to use a silver spray-painted branch but threw it out when it got tatty and have never managed to come up with a replacement I am happy with. Last year I just used a small artificial Christmas tree.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ... the queue for lunch at London Zoo

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Anonymous4:36 pm

    It's the season for apples, isn't it? I had a baked apple and yogurt for breakfast - delicious!

  2. Wouldn't that be great to have your gifts done by the end of November? I like that thought...and try to do that here too. Love that picture!

  3. Must be catching. I want to create a felt Jesse Tree...but my problem is I can't decide what to do, as I have so many possiblities in my head.

    And I've got the knitting and crocheting bug bad right now. I'm trying to find some short and sweet things to make to give as gifts. Just feeling a bit creative, but worried about the shortness of time. I don't like biting off more than I can chew, which happens way too often!

  4. Oh, and love your music playlist!

  5. Our trees are slowly emptying their leaves too. Enjoy your last days of Aututmn, wish I could come for a visit, it's been 17 years since I was in England, London to be exact! Hugs,
