Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November Prayers

I have been finding it difficult to get Little Cherub to engage with a prayer time in the morning, beyond playing with anything I have set out as part of a liturgical year display. Arranging angels, yes; joining in with (or just tolerating) even the shortest of prayers, no.

For November, I set out some photos of family members who have died - my father and grandparents, Tevye's parents, and an aunt who died earlier this year - and a row of tea lights, with one candle for each person I want to remember this month. And this time, she is hooked! We light the candles, look at the photos, talk about who each candle is for and pray for them. Then she blows the candles out. She is so enthusiastic she even wants to do it more than once in a day. And the enthusiasm has extended into wanting to look at and talk about the "saint of the week" picture I try to remember to keep out, light another candle and say an extra prayer. I'm saying a simple morning offering and hoping that she will soon pick it up and start to join in.

I admit we were nearly half way through November before I got this organised, but I'm glad I decided it was better late than never.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful idea! Candles work magic, don't they? Definitely better late than never. Thanks for sharing.
