Thursday, November 27, 2008

Preparing for Advent

Advent calendar - bought
Chocolates for Advent calendar - bought
Advent candle ring - found
Jesse tree decorations - found
Blog template - tweaked
Jesse tree - still dithering
Candles for Advent ring - still to buy


  1. Love the Advent blog look! And I HAVE to get out today to buy the chocolate Advent calendars! :-)

  2. Love your new look :) I am almost done with my Advent Calendar, boy do my little fingers hurt from all the embroidering LOL

    I have yet to buy the little chocolates for mine though, have to put that on the list. :)

    Hope you're having a great day.

  3. I love the look. So pretty. Man. It makes me want to redo my blog. Again.

    Happy new year, Catholic-wise!
