Friday, November 28, 2008

Advent Music

After another trawl through the iTunes store and my music library here are some suggestions of music for Advent. Christmas music to come later.

Advent (General)
  • O Come, O Come Emmanuel - of course! I downloaded the version by the choir of King's College, Cambridge.
  • Gabriel's Message, also performed by King's College Choir
  • Advent Mass and Vespers from Chant - Music for Paradise by Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz
  • The Kingdom Triumphant by Eric Ball (Norman Law and Sellers Engineering Band) - rousing brass band setting of three Advent carols. Not sure what the first is, but it segues into O Come, O Come Emmanuel and ends with Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending.
  • Christmas is Now Drawing Near at Hand (traditional), from Frost and Fire, The Watersons
St. Nicholas
  • Canticle to St. Nicholas, performed by St. Eliyah Children's Choir - beautiful Orthodox hymn
  • St. Nicolas Cantata by Benjamin Britten
  • The Advent Polka / St. Nick's Brawl, The Albion Christmas Band - fiddle music
  • Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  • When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney
  • Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
Immaculate Conception
  • Immaculate Mary (hymn)
  • Gregorian Chant: Graduale Romanum - Missa in Conceptione Immaculata
Gaudete Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent)
  • Gaudete (medieval hymn) - I like the folk version by Steeleye Span
O Antiphons (used duing last week of Advent)
  • Seven Magnificat Antiphons by Arvo Part
  • Advent Carols from St. John's: Antiphons, performed by choir of St. John's College - plainchant


  1. Thank you so much for posting this.

    Our local Christian radio station is already playing Christmas music---eeek! And I was thinking that I needed to get some Advent music going. I had no idea how to start that whole list so thanks for doing it for me. :)

    Happy Advent! (Well, starting Sunday. LOL)

  2. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Technophobe/musically illiterate, checking in. So, do you download all of this music into one file on the computer or onto a disc? Do you set up the folder before you begin downloading and paying?

