Monday, July 21, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: July 21st

For Monday 21st July

Outside My Window
... clear blue sky and early morning silence.

I am thinking ... how nice it is to have six weeks of summer holiday ahead of us.

I am thankful for ... recovery from a virus that hit my chest and made my asthma flare up. Still coughing, but feeling much better.

From the kitchen ... eggy bread for breakfast. It is the first day of the school holidays so we have the luxury of time in the morning.

I am wearing ... an old, scruffy pair of pyjamas

I am creating ... a little cardigan for Little Cherub. I had stalled on my knitting for a while, and it is nice to start again.

I am going ... to enjoy a relaxing day at home. For the first time in weeks we have a day where nobody needs to go anywhere (except Tevye, who has gone to work).

I am reading ... Flower Hunters by John and Mary Gribbin, picked from the "new acquisitions" shelf at the library. I enjoy books on the history of science.

I am hoping ... for a gentle, relaxing summer, and lots of time to enjoy my big girls being home.

I am hearing ... a ticking clock and the click-click of my keyboard.

Around the house ... three sleeping girls.

One of my favorite things ... my iPod Touch. I upgraded the software last week and it is now even better. I can now use it as an eBook reader, and have been stacking up reading material. G.K.Chesterton on my iPod. How good is that!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... decluttering, starting with Star's clothes and the shoe disaster in the hall; plenty of time outdoors enjoying lazy summer days.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. Anonymous6:05 pm

    Lovely photo! Enjoy that summer break...

  2. Anonymous6:30 pm

    How nice to meet up with someone else from the UK!! We aren't taking a full 6 weeks off homeschool - just not doing as much each day (otherwise my son would be apoplectic!!)
    God bless

  3. Anonymous7:51 pm

    Good Morning (here), Kathryn~

    Isn't the first day of summer break such a peace-filled one? Enjoy the next six weeks with all of your girls at home!

    Love your picture - is it of something near your home, or a holiday photo?

    Have a lovely week!

  4. Anonymous10:17 pm

    what a refreshing picture! Thanks for sharing

  5. Glad you are feeling better.

    Eggy bread? Never had it, but you made it sound yummy.

    I don't have the itouch (...yet..some year) but I have tons of books on my ipod. Makes chores so much less chore-like.

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your holiday. I didn't have to go anywhere today, and it was nice. Feel free to come by my Daybook.


  7. Shani, the photo is one I took last year on a visit to Shrewsbury (the location of the Cadfael medieval mystery stories). I thought it captured the lush, green summer we are having, thanks to wet weather in June and July.
