Sunday, December 02, 2007

New Look for Advent

Thank you for all the prayers and sympathy on the loss of our baby. The last week or so hasn't been easy. Physically it has left me very tired and it looks as though it will take a while to fully recover from the miscarriage. Ever the optimist, I always assume I will bounce back from things quickly, and it comes as a bit of a shock when I don't.

Still, onwards and upwards ... it is Advent, and I am beginning to get some energy back!

I love the Advent season, which for me is always a time for looking forward, a new beginning. This year it could not be better timed. One thing I have managed to do over the past few days is put together an Advent box for Little Cherub. I still need to dig out the Jesse tree symbols and decorations for our Advent tree and I want to get a slightly larger tree as the little one I used last year drowned under the number of things I hung on it.

I have also updated my blog for Advent - I think I have finally mastered tweaking headers and backgrounds in Blogger without it being a painfully frustrating exercise. The picture in the header is part of the Jesse Tree window of Chartres Cathedral in France, to give a nice medieval Advent touch.


  1. Lovely new look, Kathryn.

    I'm praying for your recovery.

  2. It's beautiful Kathryn, Happy Advent! Love,

  3. Anonymous1:31 pm


    I've just read your blog and am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. You will be in my prayers and thoughts - for a full recovery both physical and emotional.

    And the purple is suitably liturgical and advent-y :)
