Sunday, December 02, 2007

Advent Box

I managed to follow through on my idea of Faith Boxes for Little Cherub and put together an Advent Box. Here are the contents ...

And here is Little Cherub exploring them (and wearing a rather too large hairband belonging to a sister) ...

She seems very pleased with her box and has taken the contents out then repacked them several times today. The soft toddler's nativity set and the little Christmas board books were bought when Angel was around the same age. They had been buried and forgotten in the garage since Star outgrew them, and were unearthed at just the right time to use with Little Cherub.

The pictures are a product of my new toy - a laminator. I have coveted one for a while, but had no idea what to buy or whether it would be worth the cost. Finally I found one at Argos that was so cheap (£12 including £6 worth of free pouches) I decided just to take the plunge and hope it worked. It does exactly what it says on the box. It laminates. Which is exactly what I wanted. (Why I imagined that there might be laminators which don't actually laminate I'm not sure!) I included in Little Cherub's box pictures of St. Nicholas, St. Lucy, Our Lady (for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception), the journey to Bethlehem, and a set of cards for the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. She seems particularly impressed with both the picture of St. Nicholas and the wooden Santa (which I think looks a particularly St. Nicholas-ish Santa).

Finally I added in a little Hannukah board book and a chunky wooden dreidl, so that I can begin to introduce her to the Jewish festival as well as to Christmas.


  1. Lovely idea, she looks so pleased and involved. BLessings!

  2. I love it! Eileen would love this too!
