Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #13: Summer

Thirteen ways to enjoy summer, despite the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, wet and miserable weather we have had for the past two months ...

1. Wear yellow.

2. Drink Pimms and lemonade. With ice.

3. If the sun comes out for five minutes, drop everything and go outside.

4. Listen to Summer from Vivaldi's Four Seasons.

5. Get some holiday brochures and fantasise about long and expensive breaks in the sun.

6. Have crab sandwiches and strawberries with clotted cream for tea.

7. Chill a nice bottle of Chardonnay.

8. Sing silly summer songs ... We're All Going on a Summer Holiday; Oh, I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside; Didn't We Have a Lovely Time the Day We Went To Bangor. (Did I hear you say I'm Singing in the Rain? Don't even think it!)

9. Scrapbook photos from last summer. They may remind you what sun looks like.

10. Read Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K.Jerome and think about lazy summer days on the river. (Swallows and Amazons and Coot Club would also do nicely.)

11. Add a nice summer wallpaper to your desktop ... maybe this one, or this.

12. Buy lots of summer flowers.

13. Read Jennifer's blog and dream about life on a boat in Florida. Sunny Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 pm

    I think we'd get along swimmingly! Crab sandwiches and strawberries, Pimms and lemonade, Vivaldi in the background... :)
