Friday, July 20, 2007

It's raining ...

... it's pouring (again), and we have postponed our planned trip to Wicksteed Park for the second week running. This was the view from our house this morning ...

... and our back garden ...

But at least there is one silver lining to the clouds ...

If I'm not blogging over the next few days, it's because I'm reading.


  1. Me too! Me too! Ria and I are headed to Target tomorrow morning to pick up the long awaited tome.

  2. Anonymous5:03 am

    Oh my. That looks like our weather for the last SIX WEEKS here in Houston!! It's rained pretty much non-stop for that long, and flooded several times. We got back last night from vacation, and our pool is GREEN! I'm not's grass green. Yuck!!! It's from all the rain and algae.


  3. Anonymous9:12 pm

    I read read about flooding in London in the Washington Post. Hope your family is not suffering from the deluge!

  4. Thanks Faith ... no, we are well away from the areas that are flooded. Some places are having a dreadful time, though, as the floods have knocked out water supplies which makes an already bad situation worse :(.

  5. I like the covers on the UK editions so much better than the American ones. Some day I'd like to have the whole series in the UK edition. No only because of the covers but because it annoys me that they changed some of the text because they thought American children couldn't handle British usage. Ridiculous.
