Saturday, January 20, 2007

Impulsive redecoration

We are impulsively redecorating Star's bedroom this weekend. Things have been shuffled round for the last few weeks to accommodate Grandma [Prayer request update: she went home today - more mobile and in much less pain than she was before the surgery, though still a bit battered and bruised. Thank you all!] We now need to shuffle back, and that got us thinking about bedroom logistics. There was some talk of Star and Little Cherub switching rooms - Star loved the little bedroom we have used as a nursery for all three, and misses it - but in the end we decided she would be happier in her new, larger room if we made it more her own. When she moved in last year she inherited Angel's old colour scheme - deep blues and a dolphin border. She has decided on light green walls and a white duvet cover with large bright-coloured stars (how appropriate is that!). Unfortunately the matching curtains only come in a size marginally too small for her window, so we are having to rethink that one.

We are also decluttering her room, which has a tendency to spiral into chaos. Tevye reorganised the garage and moved a shelving unit that we use to store board games and plastic boxes full of assorted stuff. In Star's room it looked untidy and the contents of boxes were always ending up on the floor. I also managed to filter out some clutter as it travelled down to the garage. That alone should make the room easier to keep tidy.

I love newly repainted, decluttered rooms! I'll post pictures when it is done.


  1. Kathryn,

    You could try sewing a plain border to the curtains to make them fit. Might work.


  2. Can't wait to see the pictures!

  3. We look forward to seeing the photos!
