Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm Anne with an "e"

Which classical heroine am I?
Anne Shirley
The loveable redhead of "Anne of Green Gables." Anne lives on Prince Edward Island, and never ceases to astonish it's inhabitants. She's a writer, matchmaker, and can generally be found getting into some scrape or the other. Gilbert Blythe, one of her dearest friends, is in love with her, but she refuses to see it for many years.
I love it when quizzes give the right answer. I can just see myself as Anne with an "e". And I have a kindred spirit :)

Which classical heroine are you?

Hat tip: Nissa


  1. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Hey, it says I'm Elizabeth Bennet! That pleased me very much. I happen to be on my 20+ rereading of that book right now.

  2. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Kathryn, I got Emma Woodhouse! Fun quiz! :)

  3. LOL! I'm 37% Elizabeth Bennet, and 36% Anne Shirley and Jane Eyre. Sounds good to me!

  4. But I LOVE Anne. I WANT to be Anne!{g}

    Apparently, I'm Maid Marian.


  5. I'm sure you would look very fetching in Lincoln green, Dorothy {g}.

    And Elizabeth Bennet is good. If I wasn't Anne, Elizabeth Bennet would do nicely!

  6. Well, at least I didn't come out as Sir Francis Drake...

    Remember the 15 yo girl on the bus with the beard story?

  7. I love Anne, but I came out as Jane Eyre ....
