Thursday, November 30, 2006

Temperamental monster

Being curious about where visitors to my blog come from and go to, I couldn't resist signing up with MyBlogLog when I heard about it a while ago. I was mystified today as to why someone found their way to me through a Google search on "temperamental monster". It turned out to be a post on Angel and maths. Should have guessed. Still, I am delighted to report that despite the odd blip, the Maths 2XL CD-Rom is still proving a pretty good cure for temperamental-monsteritis. And that alleviates the associated disease of frustrated-motheritis. Phew!

Note: My Blog Log is free, so long as you are happy just to see the top ten hits to and from your blog. I may be curious, but not so much so that I'm prepared to pay for the privilege of having my curiosity satisfied!

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