Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Of blogs and babies

... and the connection between the two.

(1) Having a nursing baby makes me hungry. Really, really hungry. Is it any surprise that I have started a cooking blog?

(2) I have lots of time to read blogs while nursing said baby, but as I am not a good one-handed typist I often don't manage to comment. If you don't hear from me, it doesn't mean I'm not reading.

(3) I can't resist a good baby photo. Or two.


  1. Michele, you are good :). I'm afraid I'm prone to alleviating my hunger with chocolate binges. At least I'm not putting on weight - though I could do with losing some!

  2. Oh, I can so relate--including the one handed typing!

    And thanks for posting those pictures of Little Cherub's American friend! : ) : ) : ) I am thinking they will make wonderful pen pals in about six or seven years!
