Monday, September 04, 2006

Tomorrow ...

... we start our school year. We will be throwing ourself into learning mode for all of four days, before heading off on Saturday for two weeks holiday in sunny Dorset. (Sunny? There's nothing like optimism. I would settle for any weather that involved more dry than wet!) As the local schools start back tomorrow I decided I would start at the same time and use these four days as a light, introductory week ... and a trial run at fitting school days round Little Cherub. Then when we get home we will be ready to throw ourselves into work full tilt. I'm feeling pleased with myself as I have managed to get our school books and materials nicely organised, and have set up a "fridge board" - my version of fridge schooling, as our fridge isn't in a good place - and "memory boards". Watch this space for photos and an explanation!

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